This framework provides examples of the types of interventional actions that can be taken in response to the data and local understanding of these issues. Departments and managers are encouraged to consider how interventions can also be preventative. While these are options of what UCL can do, prevention of and response to bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct is something that all areas of the university are expected to be building into their work plans. 

You are encouraged to be SMART in your planning 

 (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Resourced and Time bound).

From this framework departments/managers can select relevant and specific actions that you can demonstrate you have taken and that you have the time and resource to implement. 

Be consultative, speak to your direct reports and include students and staff in formulating your action plans and publish them to be transparent and accountable for completing the actions you've committed to.

Intervention options:

Conversations – share and discuss relevant information from the insights with leaders in Departments/Divisions/Institute as appropriate. Talk to people where there are known problems and confirm that actions are being taken locally to prevent problem behaviours from happening again. Facilitate local discussions about problematic cultures and changes students and staff would like to see. Host Town Halls on specific issues. Be confident in having difficult conversations in areas where there are known behaviour problems. 

Promotion and awareness – tell people about Report + Support and the full stop campaign, let’s talk about race campaign. Host a demystifying Report + Support session to tell students and staff about what happens when a report is received/how to make a formal report. Share support services that are available to staff and students. Share the firm management vs. bullying information sheet. Arrange or share existing presentations from students and staff support services. 

Self-education – encourage people to learn about oppression, to better understand the lived experiences those who are not systemically privileged by our society. To understand how discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct impacts on people’s lives. Set up a reading group. Encourage reading on how to change and challenge oppressive practices. Learn what it means to be an ally. Engage in learning that acknowledges and generates a greater understanding of how micro-aggressions, structural inequities and unjust social power imbalances affect our marginalised communities across the institution. 

Trainingonline EDI training module, online consent module, active bystander, taking the lead (online version being developed), where do you draw the line, race allies training. Arrange local training with external facilitators. Ensure personal and faculty tutors are skilled up on receiving disclosures and signposting to appropriate support services. 

Call to action – create a local call to action. This could be something simple like adding the sunflower scheme to email signatures to promote a better understanding of invisible disabilities. Asking people to volunteer for institutional citizenship roles such as Dignity Advisors, Inclusion Leads or EDI committee members. Encourage people to report if they experience or witness negative behaviours. Planning events and campaigns.

Local change of process/practice – creating intentionally inclusive practice examples could include times and formats for meetings, thinking about email cultures and clarifying instant messaging cultures. 

If you have other ideas of interventions that could be made, feel free to contact  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened