Let's Talk about Race is the third segment under the Full Stop campaign to end all forms of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct at UCL for staff and students. 

The campaign aims to spread awareness around issues of race and racism at UCL, de-mystify processes and policies around reporting and support available if anyone has faced racial harassment/abuse, and practical interventions for race-allyship and anti-racism.  

 There are three ways to get involved in the campaign. To get involved, we’re asking to:  
  1.  Let's talk about race and racism – advance your race literacy and understanding of racism. This might be through formal education and training or by accessing the vast amount of resources available for self-learning. Talk about what you have learnt using #letstalkaboutrace on social media.
  2. Let’s talk about racial harassmentReport racial harassment when you experience or witness it. Report + Support is UCL’s dedicated platform for reporting harassment, where you can also access advice and support information.
  3. Let’s talk about being anti-racists – Speak out against racism and develop the skills to intervene when you witness it. Learn how to be a race ally and build your bystander intervention skills
In an effort to equip staff and students with knowledge and awareness around issues of race, racism, racialisation, and where to seek support, we have produced toolkits aimed at both students and staff to initiate conversations and grass-roots anti-racist awareness building as well as institutional strategies to make UCL a race-equitable space where staff and students have equal opportunities and are celebrated no matter what race.   These toolkits offer know-how such as context, definitions, and issues at play, practical measures and tactics at hand that will help to develop a much needed anti-racist culture at UCL. 

Here is one-page briefing for the campaign (quick-read) :

Toolkit for all students:

MS Word Document version
Anti-racist-toolkit-for-students.docx 1.79 MB
MS Word Document Accessible Version
Anti-Racist-Toolkit-for-Students-web-access.docx 969.22 KB
PDF version
Anti-racist-toolkit-for-students.pdf 1.08 MB
PDF Accessible Version
Anti-Racist-Toolkit-for-Students-web-access.pdf 366.85 KB

Toolkit for all staff:

MS Word Document version
Anti-Racist-Toolkit-for-Staff.docx 1.38 MB
MS Word Document Accessible Version
Anti-Racist-Toolkit-for-Staff-web-access.docx 135.46 KB
PDF version
Anti-Racist-Toolkit-for-Staff.pdf 1.12 MB
PDF Accessible version
Anti-Racist-Toolkit-for-Staff-web-access.pdf 208.46 KB

Freely shareable campaign images for various media handles and screen sizes can be found here. 
We will be populating this space with many more resources and campaign materials as the campaign progresses.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened