Thank you for choosing to report with contact details. The information you submit will be shared with an adviser who will contact you within 5 working days.
Within the form, you can select multiple options for advisors to contact you. Further details about the roles of each group of advisors can be found on the UCL support services webpage. If you feel that none of these are appropriate, you have the option to complete an anonymous report instead.
The form does not in itself initiate a formal complaints process, however you may request this and discuss this option with an advisor. In certain circumstances, UCL may judge that action is required even if the person reporting is not requesting any. This will be done in accordance with the duty of care guidance.
The information contained in this report will only be passed on to relevant staff members on a strictly need to know basis. UCL will not disclose any personal or identifiable information to others, except as set out in the duty of care guidance.
By submitting this form, you agree to the use of your personal information as detailed in the Privacy Notice. The report should take around 5 - 10 minutes to fill in. Depending on the level of detail you provide, you can read more about what happens after you submit a report on our support pages.
There are questions that are optional including demographic questions, these help us to learn more about who, where and when issues are taking place, but if you do not want to answer them you can skip ahead to the next question.
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