Human resources (HR) provide options for both informal resolution and formal procedures in reports of misconduct by staff members. HR cannot provide support if the reported party is a student (please refer to student casework team for reports involving student misconduct).

HR operate through assigned business partners for different departments/areas of UCL. A report involving staff misconduct is assigned to the Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) of the relevant department and they can further support the reporting party in either informally resolving the situation or through escalating it to Employee Relations (ER) team within HR for formal grievance or disciplinary procedure if an informal resolution cannot be reached or would be inappropriate.

Anonymous reports are also passed to HRBPs for an oversight on their respective departments, though no contact is possible with the anonymous reporter, unless the two-way messaging service is enabled, and limited action can be taken.

HRBPs can also provide anonymised information on a no-names basis if you'd want to take their advice without reporting it through any channel. You can find your area HRBP here  through UCL single sign-on.

Please note that HR are unable to provide advocacy  which means that HR will not be able to provide representation for you during any formal processes. UCL recognises three trade unions- UCU, Unite and Unison who can advocate on your behalf should you need advocacy support. Further independent advice on workplace rights and responsibilities can be found on ACAS website

There are two ways you can tell us what happened