Report + Support is not an emergency contact.

If you witness or experience an emergency, such as a crime, a fire, a serious accident or a medical crisis, you should phone the numbers below.

Official emergency number

  • Call 999 and ask for the appropriate service (police, ambulance, fire brigade).

You can also go to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department of your local hospital. Use the NHS search tool to find the closest hospital to you.

UCL Security

UCL aims to provide and maintain a safe, secure and healthy environment for its students.

Emergency security support on campus

Please call this number if you witness or experience a crime or security concern on campus.

  • Contact the UCL Security team direct from your phone with the SafeZone app.
  • Call +44 (0)20 7679 2222 (Bloomsbury Campus).
  • Call +44 (0)208 0168 555 (UCL East).

Reporting a crime

In an emergency, remember to always dial 999 straight away. If you want to report anything to the police when it is no longer an emergency:

If you are in London, find your nearest police station on the Metropolitan Police website. If you are based anywhere else in the UK, find a police force near you on the website.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened