Dignity Advisors 

The University has a network of trained Dignity Advisors who provide a confidential information service to staff and students on issues relating to bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. 

All Dignity Advisors are volunteers who work in a variety of roles across campus and carry out this task in addition to their day jobs.  Dignity Advisors receive two full days of additional training on the Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team manage this network and are available to support advisors where necessary. 

If you feel you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced bullying, harassment, sexual harassment or discrimination, you can get support through the report section of this site. 

Dignity Advisors are available to any staff or students who have been accused of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment or discrimination and they will respond to you in line with their Dignity Advisor role and not within the remit of their UCL employment or any additional/voluntary role they may hold.

Dignity Advisors can:

  • Offer confidential information on issues relating to harassment, bullying and sexual misconduct.
  • Listen to you without making any judgments about what you say.
  • Help you to clarify your thoughts about what is happening.
  • Explain the informal and formal procedures under the Dignity at Work and Study Policy.
  • Help you to explore the various options available to you.
  • Explain the mediation process and make a referral.
  • Help you to explore other sources of support which may be available to you.

Dignity Advisors cannot:

  • Offer advice or solutions on what you should do.
  • Act as your advocate.
  • Make decisions on whether bullying or harassment has taken place.
  • Maintain confidentiality if they believe that there is a risk of harm to you or others.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened