Dr. Mike Sulu, Biochemical Engineering
It seems as though within the academy, we have spent a long time protecting those who ‘do not play well with others’ instead of helping them become better members of society. This, for most, can be done simply by reminding individuals of the privilege and power they hold, and holding them accountable when they abuse that privilege and/or power.
For me the Full stop campaign shows the move in emphasis from the potential neglect (anecdotally this is often not malicious) of those who have experienced any form of bullying or harassment to actively supporting them. The previous situation would often leave individuals suffering for an unacceptable timeframe and at risk of recurrent incidents that would potentially be detrimental to both physical and mental health/well-being. Institutionally this will lead to a decrease in productivity, but my personal concern is the support of the individual. Regardless of who you are, and where you are at UCL, you deserve the right to work in an inclusive and supportive environment, and I hope that this campaign and the change in institutional attitude will be a catalyst for this positive change.
Nick McGhee, Office of General Counsel
Through my involvement with UCL’s student complaints and disciplinary procedures, I know that unacceptable behaviour exists in our community. I have also seen how diversified are the experiences which inform our attitudes to such behaviours. That very diversity, however, which may seem like a challenge, presents us with a great opportunity – to draw on our collective experience in order to clarify our shared expectations of how we interact, to promote cultural behaviour change in the direction that we as a community wish to see it go, and to be clear about the circumstances in which the university will seek to challenge such behaviour.
At UCL we are justified in setting ourselves high standards. Full Stop is everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility.
Selina Lovell, Physics & Astronomy
Having experienced work place bullying and knowing the impact this had on me personally, affecting everything from physical and mental health to work efficiency and family relationships I wanted to be part of the culture of change at UCL, to be a standard bearer for the Full Stop campaign so that colleagues can discuss concerns in confidence with trained advisors and feel empowered to challenge negative behaviour. By being open about these issues all colleagues at UCL can reflect and understand the implications of their own behaviour on others and therefore create a positive environment that benefits all of us. Let’s make UCL a world leader as a fair, open and supportive place to work for everyone.
Dr. Caroline Selai, Institute of Neurology
The cumulative impact of bullying, often insidious, can be significant. During countless consultations I have heard colleagues who are experiencing harassment describe how they feel utterly dejected, powerless and afraid to speak out. Fearful of repercussions, many have suffered in silence for months.
By the time of the first consultation, most have visited their GP and been prescribed medication for various psychological and somatic symptoms, digestive disorders, nausea, headaches, difficulties sleeping, pain, fatigue, cognitive problems, anxiety, depression, loss of confidence resulting in avoidance behaviours.
Whilst shame prevents many people from seeking help, the climate is changing. I have been encouraged by invitations to facilitate discussions about Dignity at UCL: with individuals, teams and with whole departments.
We are more aware of the importance of challenging negative behaviour and, conversely, how a positive environment can generate energy, motivation and creativity. I have been passionate about the UCL Dignity Advisor role at UCL since starting (in 2001).
My vision for UCL through Full Stop is that more colleagues will feel empowered to have a confidential conversation. Many people tell me they wish they had not waited so long before seeking support. Things are changing. Join us in making that change.